Lost Skills Workshop: Bone Broth

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Lost Skills Bone Broth
Organizers suggest registering early as the Lost Skills Workshop Series fills fast.

Not a fad, but a cornerstone of ancestral cuisine, bone broth sustained generations before WWII. The class will learn the traditional method of preparing bone both and how to incorporate it into our daily diet to help boost the immune system and heal numerous modern ailments. You will also learn a brief history of bone broth, the science of bone broth and why bone broth good for us. Please note, this class is not suggested for vegans/vegetarians.

Educator: Kristin Adamczyk

Skills Taught: How to prepare bone broth and how to source ingredients

Date: October 18, 2016 6:00 PM-8:00 PM

Location: St. Augustine Amphitheatre | 1340C A1A S, St. Augustine, FL 32080

Admission: $36

Event website: staugamphitheatre.com

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1340C A1A S
St. Augustine, FL 32080
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