Flower Growers in Northeast Florida
As consumer interest in local food becomes more widespread, so too does the desire for local sources of cut flowers. Here's a list of area farmers and growers who offer flowers throughout the year. Check farmers' markets and other shops specializing in local products. Social media is a good way to keep up with availability and pop-up opportunities to gather seasonal bouquets and materials for flower arrangements.
Bacon Farms, Jacksonville | @bacon_farms_jax
Bee Hill Blooms, Elkton | @beehillblooms
Down to Earth, Jacksonville | @downtoearthjax
El Camino Blooms, Jacksonville | @elcaminoblooms
Iron & Clay Flower Farm, Gainesville | @ironandclayflowers
Isolabella Farm, Jacksonville | @isolabellafarm
Local Flower Co, St. Johns | @localflowerco
Madelaine LeDew, Jacksonville @madelaineledew
Shady Spring Gardens, Elkton @shadyspringgardens
Soft Day Florals, Riverside | @softdayflorals
Swallowtail Farm, Gainesville | @swallowtailcsa
The Heirloom Yard, Fernandina Beach | @theheirloomyard