Makes 1-1/2 quarts
For infusion
1 (5-pound) bag pomelo
1 (1.75 liter) bottle vodka 80 proof
For simple syrup
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
To make infusion: Cut pomelo in half and juice each half (save juice for drinking or other recipes). Scrape white inner pith from peel. Cut peel into strips. Divide strips between 2 (64-ounce) mason jars. Fill jars with vodka, making sure peels are fully covered. Store in cool location for 4-6 weeks. When ready, strain liquid from jars using colander or mesh strainer. Squeeze remaining liquid from peel, then strain through cheesecloth to remove any solids.
To make simple syrup: Combine sugar and water in large saucepan. Heat over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Cool, then blend with pomelo infusion to taste. Decant pompelmocello into flip top bottles. Store in refrigerator.