Hot Grill Summer Recipes

Photography By | Last Updated June 16, 2024
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Fire up the barbie and throw together a summertime smorgasbord with this medley of dishes featuring seasonal products..

When the dog days of summer roll in and it's just too hot to turn on the oven, time to light that barbecue and grill! Yes, you may be outdoors (in the heat, with a cool beverage in hand), but grilling can be a quick and easy way to get dinner on the table.



With minimal prep work, these recipes from the Edible Northeast Florida team can be the foundation of a flavor-packed meal any day of the week. They're versatile, so use them as a starting point for your culinary creativity. 

Compound Butters

Don’t let the name fool you – these flavor bombs are easy to make and the variations are endless. Serve with fish, shrimp, corn on the cob, sandwiches and more. Visit Summa Salts for more...

Redfish on the Half Shell

Cooking on the half shell means grilling with the skin and scales on the fillet, which helps to lock in moisture as the fish cooks.

Grilled Veggie Sandwiches

Try this sandwich with other seasonal produce that does well on the grill, like eggplant. Other compound butters can also change up the flavor profile.

Grilled Corn on the Cob

Leave the husks attached to the ears of corn for a handle when you eat. Be careful not to overcook. When grill marks are on too many of the kernels, the corn becomes dry. Visit Saturiwa...

Shrimp and Watermelon Salad

Salty halloumi cheese is a tasty counterbalance to sweet watermelon. Paired with the shrimp this makes for an easy main dish.

Grilled Shishito Peppers

Most shishito peppers have a mild smoky and slightly sweet flavor, but watch out – occasionally you’ll come across a hot one! Visit Summa Salts for more information about...

Brownies on the Barbie

The key to successfully making brownies on the grill is controlling the temperature and the kind of pan used. This recipe calls for a cast-iron pan. You can also bake these in the oven at...
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